Please Note: Application will be not available on 27.03.2023 from 2.30 pm to 6pm.
Board Orders - Year Wise
Search Board Orders:
1. BO (FTD)No .20 2/20 23(DIRDIT-AE6 /20 22/710 2) dt 13.04.2023 - Comprehensive IT solution for cable T V with Business Process Re - Engineering
2. Office Order (DD& IT) No.1868/2023 dt 18.12.2023- Rollout of Cable TV Software for managing Decentralised Operators
1. BO(FTD)No.653/2022(DIRDIT-AE6/2022/2203) dt 23.07.2022 - Cable drawal along electric poles of KSEBL - Report of technical committee to study the feasibility of cable drawal through KSEBL poles - Approval for recommendations
2. BO(FTD)No.795/2022(DIRDIT-AE6/2022/360[1]) dt 28.09.2022 - Unauthorised cable drawal along electric poles of KSEBL - Regularisation
1. GO(Ms) No.9/2021/POWER dt 26.02.2021 - Cable drawal - Modified rates
2. GO(Ms) No.11/2021/POWER dt 02.03.2021 - Cable drawal - Modified rates
3. Letter no. C3/450/2019-POWER dt 29.04.2021 - Rate for using electric poles for cable drawal
4. B.O(FTD)No. 320/2021(D(D&IT)/D5/Cable-Poles/2020-21/0001) dt 05.05.2021 - Cable drawal along electric poles of KSEBL by Cable TV Operators/ Others - clarification in interest for installment and delayed payments
5. B.O(DB)No.514/2021(D(D&IT)/D5/CablePoles/202122/0001) dt 05.07.2021 - Cable drawal along electric poles of KSEBL – revision of pole rental rates- implementation of new rates with effect from 01.04.2021
6. GO(Ms) No.14/2021/POWER dt 08.07.2021 - General policy for laying optical fibre cable through the distribution poles of KSEBL
7. B.O(FTD)No.614/2021(D(D&IT)/D5/Cable-Poles/2021-22/0001) dt 13.08.2021 - Cable drawal along electric poles of KSEBL – General policy for laying optical fibre cable through the distribution poles of KSEBL – implementation of the Government Order
8. BO FTD No.747/2021 (Estt.XI/Asianet/2020-21) dt 07.10.2021 - Renewal of pole rental agreement with M/s Asianet - Period of agreement fixed as 10 years
1. B.O.(FTD)No.81 dt 04.02.2020 - K-FON Guidelines
1. Circular FA/TaxCell/GST/PoleRent/17-18 dt 21.03.2018 - Accounting and remittance of GST on Pole Rent collection-detailed direction.
1. BO.1421_dt_18.10.2002- Cable Drawal GUIDELINES
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